Terms & Policies

Undercroft Social Club will provide at all times:

Bitters, Soda, Citrus, and Syrup. Ice and Novelty items (eggs, fruits, juices, etc.) will only be provided with 24hr notice with our own discretion regarding price of items. We do NOT provide alcohol of any kind to members.

Facility Policies:

Terms and Conditions:

Undercroft Social Club reserves the right to vary, add or eliminate any of the particular services and facilities provided them from time to time.

Undercroft Social Club reserves the right to set aside facilities for social events or activities.

Undercroft Social Club reserves the right to close or modify facility hours with or without notice.

Undercroft Social Club reserves the right to have cameras in place to monitor behavior at all times.

Undercroft Social Club reserves the right to charge extra if we see extra guests, damage, or other membership violations. This entails we have a credit card on file concurrently with membership to ensure cooperation.

Undercroft SOCIAL CLUB Rules and Regulations


1. The Club shall be called Undercroft SOCIAL CLUB.


2. The Club shall consist of members above the age of twenty-one years. The object of the club shall be to provide fellowship and gathering space for the inhabitants of Waco, Texas.


3. The Club shall be under the management of Cultivate 7Twelve LLC.

4. The general management of the Club (except as otherwise provided by in these Rules) shall be carried out by the managing entity Cultivate 7Twelve.


5. Each Member shall pay in advance a subscription, the sum of which shall be set by management, and they shall not be considered a member until he has made payment.

Subscriptions are due monthly and a member who has not paid his subscription by the 31st of any month shall be considered in arrears and shall cease to be a Member. No Member in arrears shall be permitted to use the Club and must rejoin to continue membership.

6. A Member may introduce friends as his guests as assigned by the type of membership. The guest and the Member introducing him shall sign their names in a book kept for the purpose.

Members must accompany guests introduced by them during the period of their stay in the Undercroft.

Forfeiture of Subscriptions

7. Any Member who shall cease to belong to the Club, either by resignation or otherwise, shall forfeit his Subscription, his right in the property and his right to enquire into the affairs of the Club.

8. No drunkenness, bad language or other misconduct shall be permitted on the Club premises. Any Member offending under this rule will be dealt with by the managing entity under Rule 9.

9. The managing entity shall have the power to reprimand, suspend or expel any Member who shall infringe Rule 8 or any other Rule or Bye-Law or whose conduct, whether within the Club premises or elsewhere, shall in their opinion render him unfit for membership of the Club; but no Member, unless convicted by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction or other Court, shall be suspended or expelled without first being afforded the opportunity to explain his conduct. A suspended Member shall forfeit all his rights and privileges under these Rules but shall remain liable to pay his subscription during his suspension.


10. All references, in these Rules, to Members as males shall be taken as also referring to female Members.

11. All matters relating to the Club, not otherwise provided for by the Rules or Bye-Laws, and all disputes as to the construction, meaning or operation thereof, or any personal differences or disputes between Members shall be under the control, management, direction, disposition and decision of the managing entity for the time being.

12. No persons under the age of 21 years may be served with intoxicating liquors.

31. Members and guests must be properly dressed at all times – no soiled clothing should be worn. In summer tailored shorts and plain T-shirts are permissible.

32. A copy of these Rules is to be exhibited in the Club.

33. There may be admitted to the Club’s Registered Premises persons other than Members who are guests of Members.


1. All Members shall pay the full cost of repairing or replacing any article or property of the Club that has been damaged, destroyed or lost by them or their guests.

2. No Member shall on any pretense take away, injure or destroy any glassware or articles that are the property of the Club.

3. No animals (with the exception of guide dogs for the blind) shall be allowed in the Club under any circumstances.

4. All complaints or suggestions shall be made in writing to the managing entity and must be signed in full by the Member(s) making them.

5. Every Member shall have access to the Rules and Bye-Laws.

6. Any Member introducing a guest and not signing the appropriate book renders himself liable for any actions of or injury to his guest.

7. Any Member cutting the cloth of the furniture or harming with intent the bar or tables will be held responsible for the cost of repairing the same.

8. No Member shall smoke cigars or cigarettes or allow tobacco in the Undercroft.

9. Any food consumed in the Undercroft must be cleaned up and any remnants removed by the member who brought it.